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Accueil des étudiants étrangers

Accueil des étudiants étrangers

IDRAC Business School reçoit régulièrement des étudiants allemands, hollandais, belges, espagnols, américains, chinois. Fort de plus de 100 partenariats à travers le monde, nos différents campus accueillent chaque année environ 200 étudiants.

IDRAC Business School est signataire de la charte ERASMUS et offre ainsi des possibilités de programmes d’échanges pour les étudiants étrangers. En plus d’ERASMUS, IDRAC Business School a pour partenaire des universités à travers le monde pour des programmes d’échange.

Les étudiants de nos universités partenaires intègrent pour l’essentiel le semestre en anglais de troisième année. L’ensemble de nos programmes ayant été mis en adéquation avec les normes ECTS (30 crédits par semestre). Les étudiants étrangers peuvent donc intégrer leur cursus à IDRAC Business School dans leur scolarité.

Study Abroad Programme

IDRAC Business School is signatory to the ERASMUS Charter and offers Study Abroad programs to all his partners with 2 programs fully taught in English and 1 in French.

All of them are course packages: students can get up to 30 ECTS in each program. Each student can choose the program that best fits his needs but cannot mix courses from different programs in order to avoid schedule clashes.

The IDRAC Business School BBA program in English is opened in Lyon and Paris for fall and spring semesters. Bordeaux, Montpellier and Nantes campuses open for spring semester. The program in French is available on 9 different campuses.

The PGE in English is opened in Lyon both during fall and spring semesters and allows to be mixed up with French students. This program received the Grade de Master (one of the highest recognition given by the Ministry of education to a program in France).
All our programs offer the possibility to learn French as a foreign language. Students can enroll in the French seminar at the start of the semester, intensive seminar in French. And classes are programmed regularly during the semester.


Courses at IDRAC Business School : (Language of instruction: French and English)

Fall semester:

  • Courses in English : Lyon and Paris
  • Courses in French* : Amiens, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Nice, Paris and Toulouse

Spring semester:

  • Courses in English : Lyon, Nantes, Montpellier and Paris*
  • Courses in French* : Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Nice, Paris and Toulouse 

To apply follow this link

* Subject to changes

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